ecommerce marketing campaign

Email Marketing for eCommerce Websites: Is It Worth It?

How many times has an email marketing campaign successfully convinced you to purchase something? You likely fell victim to an email marketing campaign.

Email marketing is the process of using emails to generate sales for your eCommerce store.

Despite email being perceived as an outdated way to reach your target audience, in reality, it is one of the most effective ways to build relationships with your customers.

Does Email Marketing Still Work?

Email marketing is one of the most effective digital media channels to implement into your digital marketing campaign. It has a return of investment of approximately 4400 percent and for every $1 you spend on email marketing, the average return on investment is $42.

Now that we know email marketing for eCommerce is still a sound strategy, here are some tips on the specific types of email campaigns to create.

Types of Email Marketing Every eCommerce Store Should Use

Abandoned Cart Emails

Have you ever been browsing an eCommerce site and added something to your shopping cart only to exit the page a bit later? Abandoned cart emails help capitalize on this missed conversion.

Abandoned cart emails ping consumers to remind them that they left something in their cart and encourages them to check out. Generally speaking, abandoned cart emails can help recover 15 percent of what otherwise would have been lost revenue.

Product Follow-Ups

Once a customer purchases something from your eCommerce store, consider sending them a product follow-up email. This may include a similar product to the one they purchased or accompanying items that pair well with their previous purchase.

Think of product follow-ups as a similar tactic that Amazon implements through its “Frequently Bought Together” section.

Category Follow-Ups

Consider category follow-ups as an email marketing tactic as well. These emails target specific categories within your business. For example, if your eCommerce store offers pet toys, an email marketing category follow-up may be promoting pet food.

This helps show consumers the different categorical options that your eCommerce site has.

Promotional Emails

If you have a new product or line coming out, promotional emails are a great tactic to move the needle. Elevate interest in your products by offering special access to those who have subscribed to your email list.

Special Sales

Who doesn’t love a good sale? Whether you’re running an all-site sale on Black Friday or you simply want to drum-up interest in your products, sales are a great tactic to implement in eCommerce email campaigns.

Sales are also a great way to clear out seasonal or old inventory to make room for fresh stock.

How to Create Email Campaigns That Don’t Annoy Your Consumers

Timing is everything in successful email marketing campaigns. Click-through rates in some industries can be as low as 2 percent, so make sure you are strategic in your approach.

To determine how often to send out email campaigns, consider your industry, what your competitors are doing, and the nature of your email. Regardless of the intention of the email, it needs to provide value to the consumer.

Some eCommerce stores send ~3 emails per month while others may send multiple per week. There isn’t a target number of emails to send in a given amount of time, so try out multiple strategies and see what works for you.


Email marketing is far from outdated. With the right digital marketing team on your side, you can harness the power of email marketing and turn it into one of your biggest assets.

    If you need a helping hand with your email marketing strategy, our experts at Catapult thrive at creating smart digital marketing solutions. Get started by taking advantage of our free consultations.

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